Dear Reader,

Welcome to the July edition of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) newsletter.

This issue features highlights from the Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference, which took place in Bali from 3 to 6 July and provided a platform for high-level discussions on developing inclusive learning ecosystems across the globe. It also introduces UIL’s new campaign, #ImALifelongLearner, along with details on how you can be involved. 

Updates on the Institute’s latest capacity-building initiatives, such as a new digital course on RVA for migrants and refugees and a webinar co-organized with UNESCO HQ and SIL International on multilingualism, language and literacy, are also featured.

Finally, find out about a new call for proposals to contribute to future issues of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE), as well as this month’s recommended titles.  

I wish you an enjoyable read.

Borhene Chakroun
Director a.i.
        In Focus    
Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference: Learning ecosystems must be inclusive
Participants of this month’s Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference in Bali, Republic of Indonesia, called for the promotion of inclusive lifelong learning ecosystems that effectively cater to the needs of all learners, especially those of vulnerable and marginalized groups. More specifically, through the Bali Manifesto, the conference outcome document, participants called for implementation of comprehensive lifelong learning policies and the creation of inclusive learning spaces, curricula, learning pathways and learning materials, in line with the Marrakech Framework for Action. Public investment in lifelong learning is key to reaching these targets. 
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‘Lifelong learning must be a reality, not just a narrative or aspiration. Lifelong learning is key for a better quality of life. It is a driving force for the progress of society, nation and country.’

H.E. Mr Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia
Bali Manifesto. Embracing inclusion: A roadmap to lifelong learning for all

The Bali Manifesto outlines key areas of action necessary to turn the vision of inclusive lifelong learning into reality, in line with the Marrakech Framework for Action

Read the Bali Manifesto here
Blog: Adult education – A condition for hope

The Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference in Bali provided critical impetus to the implementation of the Marrakech Framework for Action and reinforced CONFINTEA VII’s view of adult learning and education as a condition for a hopeful future, writes Daniel Baril, Chair of the Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning. 
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H.E. Mr Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia Closing speech at the Inclusive Lifelong Learning Conference (3 to 6 July 2023, Bali, Republic of Indonesia)
Watch all of the conference recordings here
#ImALifelongLearner campaign
Show the world that you believe in the transformative power of learning. Join UIL’s campaign and tell everyone why you are a lifelong learner. By supporting UIL’s campaign, you are endorsing the view that the #RightToEducation pertains to all ages. Support the paradigm shift in learning and education systems to ensure people of all ages, from all backgrounds, can access the knowledge they need to lead decent lives and promote sustainable development.  How to get involved: Upload a photo of yourself on our campaign platform and add a sentence explaining why you are a lifelong learner; Use the ‘share’ function on the platform to share your photo and statement on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, using the hashtag #ImALifelongLearner; Tag people in your network who support lifelong learning for all so they, too, can join the movement.  
Join the movement!
Leonardo Garnier, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General on the Transforming Education Summit

#ImALifelongLearner because learning is discovering, looking for answers to never-ending questions, finding out, reading about something that baffles you, sharing your search with others, and learning with and from others. Learning does not begin at school: it starts much earlier – and it never ends. It’s a lifelong adventure
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Borhene Chakroun, Director a.i., UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

Throughout my life, I have always been driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and learning and using the skills acquired for goals beyond my own growth. But perhaps the most significant aspect of lifelong learning is the joy and fulfilment it brings. It keeps me intellectually engaged and continuously challenges me to strive for doing more – and better. Lifelong learning for me means also transmission, mediation, peer learning and knowledge sharing. So, let’s embark on this journey of lifelong learning together. Let’s inspire each other, share our experiences, and support one another in our quest for sustainable development and leaving no one behind. 
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Interested in promoting the campaign but not sure how to phrase it? Use our communication assets.
UIL launches online capacity-building course for RVA stakeholders. 

Calling all stakeholders involved in promoting the recognition, validation and accreditation (RVA) of prior learning experiences: UIL’s new capacity-building course, Skillsets in Transit, is now available on the UIL Learning Hub. Using a blended approach comprising independent learning, engagement with expert speakers and interactive activities, the course seeks to support key stakeholders across UNESCO Member States in building the knowledge and skills to develop and implement inclusive RVA systems which support lifelong learning for all. 
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Watch UIL’s recent webinar on the role language, multilingualism and literacy play in achieving SDG 4. 

Language plays a vital role in fostering literacy development in multilingual contexts, enabling individuals to access knowledge, engage with written materials, and actively participate in learning, society and the economy. UIL, together with UNESCO HQ and SIL International, hosted a webinar on 12 July wherein panellists discussed recent policy developments, persistent challenges, innovations and good practices concerning language, multilingualism and literacy. 
Watch the webinar recording ►
Regional CONFINTEA VII Follow-Up Conference for Asia-Pacific welcomes over 100 key stakeholders 

UIL and the UNESCO Bangkok Office held a regional conference for Asia and the Pacific that was attended by over 100 key stakeholders, including government representatives from over 20 countries, civil society organizations and experts in adult learning and education (ALE). The event served as a platform for discussions, enabling participants to leverage their national experiences and perspectives to shape the tools and mechanisms required for establishing an inclusive lifelong learning system and promoting gender-responsive ALE in line with the Marrakech Framework for Action, the outcome document of CONFINTEA VII. 
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UIL Gender Talks: ‘Gendered informal learning in times of inflation and economic crisis’

On 18 July 2023, UIL hosted the first in a series of discussions to be held over the coming months focusing on gender within a lifelong learning perspective. During this Gender Talk, experts shared their insights and experiences, exploring the intersection where gender, lifelong learning and economic resilience meet.
Watch the recording here ►
Upskilling at 50: How lifelong learning jumpstarted Sianny Christianto’s business

Sianny Christianto, 50, was worried about her career prospects. She had previously only ever worked in an office environment, but, because of her age, she was finding it difficult to find a job. But with the skills she learned through the Indonesian Government’s Kartu Prakerja programme, Sianny was able to forge a new path as an entrepreneur. 
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Empowering refugees through technology-supported higher education in Rwanda

Set in the oldest refugee camp in Rwanda, the Kepler Kiziba Campus provides learners like Mupenzi, Alice and Mawezo the opportunity to earn a university degree through distance learning – and secure a brighter future. Discover how innovative technologies can be used to provide learning opportunities for refugees.
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International Review of Education
Call for special issue proposals

The editorial team of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE) invites proposals for guest-edited special issues of the journal.
IRE welcomes proposals for guest-edited special issues within its core remit of lifelong and life-wide learning in international and comparative contexts.

Proposals should be submitted no later than Monday, 28 August 2023. 
Learn more ►
Editor’s Monthly Choice

Effectiveness of professional development for teachers in French- and English-medium public elementary schools in Quebec, Canada: A first descriptive survey
Marie-France Boulay, Christine Hamel and Sandra Hamel
Interventions to improve refugee children’s access to education and quality learning: A scoping review of existing impact evaluations