Mission Statement of the Andragogical Sub-Committee of the Pedagogical and Scientific Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Science

The main mission of the Andragogical Sub-Committee of the Pedagogical and Scientific Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Science is to provide an academic platform to discuss major trends in research and development, questions of relevant policies of adult education and in accordance with andragogical scope of the teaching and learning of adults reflected by educational science so as to promote quality and effective RDI in adult education and training through the contribution of regular thematic and special sessions and intensive workshop in on-line and face-to-face modalities.

The Andragogical Sub-Committee represents a humanistic vision that the support of adult and lifelong learning related to socio-political, economic and environmental and well-being matters. The Sub-Committee strongly reflects the principle of promoting adult learning through andragogical research so as to raise participation and performance in adult learning to be supported by collaborative forms of learning, methods and practice both at workplaces and in community learning places.

We aim at using our national and international partnerships to enhance the prestige of andragogy and adult education as a profession and its embeddedness into relevant disciplines.

In accordance with the mutual goals of members, we collaborate with a number of national professional bodies and, in European context, we collaborate with EPALE Hungary, the National Support System of EPALE – The Electronic Platform of Adult Learning in Europe, EAEA – European Association for the Education of Adults, ESREA – European Society for Research on the Education of Adults and eucen – European Universities’ Continuing Education Network. Our global partners are UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), ICAE – International Council for Adult Education and HOFE – International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame European Chapter.