Megjelent az European Lifelong Learning Magazine (ELM) 06/2024. júniusi hírlevele, melyben érdekes hírekre hívják fel figyelmünket: olvashatnak a felnőttek tanulása, oktatása és az ún. folyamatos képzések, folyamatos tanulás (Continuous Learning – ez az LLL finn megfelelője, SIC) témakörében. Az alábbi témákban jelentek meg írások:

  • Güner: “Upskilling must be equally available to all”/ A készségek megújítása mindenki számára egyenlő módon elérhető kell legyen!
  • Micro-credentials boost Singapore’s IT talent pool/ A mikro-tanúsítványok bővítették a Szingapúri IT tehetségek körét.
  • Interesting discussions at the EAEA conference in Helsinki/ Érdekes beszélgetések jellemezték az EAEA (Európai Felnőttoktatási Társaság) konferenciáját Helsinkiben.
  • Next theme in ELM: Inclusion and Adult Education/ A következő tematikus ELM-szám témája: Befogadás és felnőttoktatás
  • Research & Practice: What aspects would you like to explore?/ 2024 őszén az ELM a kutatás és a gyakorlat kapcsolatát és a hatékony tudástranszfer kérdéseit elemzi. Amennyiben hozzászólna a témához, úgy küldjön levelet ide:
ELM Magazine Newsletter
June 2024 Open the message in browser
  Highlights in June Upskilling efforts in the EU // Singapore’s micro-credential model // Greetings from the EAEA conference  
  Photo: Bruegel Güner: “Upskilling must be equally available to all” How to tackle growing skills shortages in EU labour markets? What is behind the low training participation rates?
“Ignoring the psychological, social and institutional barriers is no longer an option,” argues Duygu Güner of Bruegel in her Speakers’ Corner column.
The column series is produced in cooperation with the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).   Read the article  
  Photo: Pia Heikkilä Micro-credentials boost Singapore’s IT talent pool In Singapore, micro-credentials are seen as a fast and flexible way to enhance competence development.
For Benjamin Tan, a programme organized by the Singapore Institute of Technology has provided greater flexibility and opportunities for career advancement.   Read the article  
  Photo: Kvs Interesting discussions at the EAEA conference in Helsinki At the EAEA conference on June 11-12, the workshop on Research, policy and practice: What new spaces for exchange?, led by Marcella Milana of ESREA, sparked lively discussions. This theme will also be a focus for ELM Magazine this autumn. ELM Magazine also conducted interviews with Isabell Kempf of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, Robbie Guevara of ICAE, and Uwe Gartenschläger and Gina Ebner of EAEA. Stay tuned for insights on adult education, its challenges and solutions.  
  Ikawati is an Indonesian trainee who was hired to work as a cook at a restaurant in Modena after the training. Photo: Gloria Soverini. Next theme in ELM: Inclusion and Adult Education Starting in July, we’ll delve into the theme of Inclusion and Adult Education. Many interesting projects will be presented, including Roots, a social enterprise restaurant in Modena, Italy. Roots helps migrant women become sought-after professionals through culinary training programmes.  
  Research & Practice: What aspects would you like to explore? In autumn 2024, we’ll explore the theme of the relationship and knowledge transfer between research and practice in adult learning and education. Who would you suggest we interview? Do you know of any noteworthy cases to share? If you have a compelling topic in mind, would you consider writing a column yourself?
Your ideas are valuable to us. Please share them with us at!